Saturday 18 June 2011

Into the 'CLOUDS' !!!

Where do you start? Well have a try using your existing ‘cloud’ apps, webmail, Facebook, Google Docs perhaps. This first step does not put anything on your machine and runs through your web browser. But which one? NOT Internet Explorer but one of the free ones such as either Firefox  or Chrome  browsers click on them to download and install. Then go to Joli Cloud sign up and run the Joli Cloud interface.
You can then play with that and get familiar with all the options. You will notice the interface is very much like the icons on a smart phone.


When you are happy with that then go to the Chrome store where have the choice of several hundred Apps to choose from. For online Office suites you can use Google ( Google Docs) and even run Microsoft Office Apps (Skydrive).

Once you are happy then go and sign up to load the Joli Operating System on to your computer. Before you do that I would recommend that you run the defrag programme on Windows before you start. Then  click on the 'Keep Windows' option and download. This may take some time. When all done click on file in your download area called Joli -OS-Installer then follow the instructions. This is just like installing 'windows' for the first time.  Next time you start your computer you will be given the option of either Windows or Joli operatinfg systems.
Loading Joli OS you will see how much quicker you got started. It comes with most of the programmes you need already installed. For instance for your word processing, spreadsheet and presentation package you have ‘open office’. This will read and write all versions of Microsoft office from early upto the latest 2010 edition.There are several other apps that come with this download.
Please feel free to explore as you cannot do any damage to your Windows setup and can revert to that at any time.

If at anytime you wish to take JoliCloud OS of your computer then in Windows goto Control Panel/Add or remove programmes and remove the Jolicloud from there. 
10 Good reasons to use JoliCloud

NOTE:- Printers - connection should be OK with Cannon, Epson and HP printers but Lexmark and Dell brands are not likely to work.


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